Fun fact- who is the world's first programmer

 Hi everyone, today I am going to write about the world's first programmer. Be ready to gain programming knowledge. So let's start.

Who is the world's first programmer?

Ada Lovelace is the world's first programmer. She is a tech visionary and also a pioneer. She was born to Lord and Lady Byron in 1815 and developed the first computer program, a century before the computer was invented. She is also called the "Princess of Parallelograms". So you can easily tell that she was an amazing mathematician too. She is best known for working on Charles Babbage's analytical machine and mechanical computer. She was the first to recognize that computers can be used for more than just calculations and designed the first algorithm designed for such a machine. She also was an amazing innovator. She used poetic imagination in science and sparked the birth of the digital age. This is an image of her.

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