
Showing posts from January, 2022

500-600 views special - Thanks everyone

 Hi everyone, Thank you so much for making the blog hit 600 views. Actually, the blog had hit 500 views but I forgot to make the post about it. Very sorry for that. But thank you for supporting, encouraging, and reading the posts. I feel very nice when I get views and comments. I don't make the posts too long or short. I make the posts at the perfect reading level so that you don't get bored at all and you can finish reading the posts in just 5mins or less. I appreciate your support very much. Please share and comment on this post. Once again " Dil Se Thank you ".  Thank you

Top 5 VS code themes for 2022

 Hi everyone, today we are going to see the top 5 vs code themes for 2022. So let's start. Why are themes important? Themes are important because when you install a theme the look and its color will make you more productive. You get a good feeling when you install a theme and gives you more interest in coding. So themes are important. Now let's move on to the top 5 vs code themes for 2022. Top 5 vs code themes for 2022 These are the top 5 vs code themes for 2022. 1. Material theme - This is a favorite theme of mine. The material theme has a slate color and gives a cool feeling when you are coding. It also has various color theme options where you set your color theme and I feel you will love it when you install it. This has more than 873K downloads and it is published by Equinusocio. This is what the theme looks like,  2. Jellyfish theme - The jellyfish theme has a dark purple color and looks good. It also looks beautiful when you write code. Whenever you hover over the options

Jio glass - Bringing the mixed reality revoution in India

 Hi everyone, today we are going to see about Jio Glass. So let's start. What is Jio Glass? Jio glass is a new world of mixed reality. Mixed reality is a blend of physical and digital worlds, unlocking natural and intuitive 3D human, computer, and environmental interactions. This new reality is based on advancements in computer vision, graphical processing, display technologies, input systems, and cloud computing. So Jio glass is a  window to explore mixed reality applications. Jio glass transforms the way you shop, play, learn and consume digital media. So it is the 2.0 version of shopping, playing, learning, and digital media. This is an image of Jio glass; So now you know what is Jio glass and what it looks like, to make this post more interesting we are going to see the features of Jio glass. So here are some of the features; Features 1. Media and entertainment - Using Jio glass you can enjoy 10,000+ movies and Tv shows on a 100-inch virtual screen by accessing Jio cinema. 2. L

This programming app will help you learn programming in a fun way

 Hi everyone, Today I am going to introduce you to a programming app which will help you learn programming in a very fun way. So let's start. What is the name of the app and how is that app going to teach programming in a fun way? Now you might be wondering what that app might be and how is that app going to teach programming in a fun way. Well, the name of the app is Programming Hero. It teaches you programming in a fun way and I love that app. The next question is how does this app teach you programming in a fun way?. I will tell you how. It is a personalized, fun and interactive learning process. The courses of the app are gamified means that you can have a lot of fun and learn a lot. You can master python, Cyber security, Web development, C programming and much more. It also has rewards badges. You can earn superpowers, surprise points and gifts for your enjoyable learning. It also has an offline playground. Here playground refers to a place where you can code and run your code

Fun fact- who is the world's first programmer

 Hi everyone, today I am going to write about the world's first programmer. Be ready to gain programming knowledge. So let's start. Who is the world's first programmer? Ada Lovelace is the world's first programmer. She is a tech visionary and also a pioneer. She was born to Lord and Lady Byron in 1815 and developed the first computer program, a century before the computer was invented. She is also called the "Princess of Parallelograms". So you can easily tell that she was an amazing mathematician too. She is best known for working on Charles Babbage's analytical machine and mechanical computer. She was the first to recognize that computers can be used for more than just calculations and designed the first algorithm designed for such a machine. She also was an amazing innovator. She used poetic imagination in science and sparked the birth of the digital age. This is an image of her. That's it for this post. Thank you very much for reading this post. I

What is affiliate marketing and how does it work ?

 Hi everyone, today we are going to see what is affiliate marketing and how does it work? So let's start. What is affiliate marketing? I will split affiliate marketing into three parts the company, the affiliate, and the customer. Affiliate marketing is the process where there is a company that sells its products. Now the affiliate comes in and promotes the company's product on the internet. An affiliate is a person who promotes products on the internet. And when a customer purchases the product on your recommendation the company pays you commission for the sale. This is how affiliate marketing works. It will become easy for you with the help of this diagram. Click here  if you want to become an affiliate for amazon as they are having an affiliate program. Once you become an affiliate you will be given a unique link or the affiliate link for promoting the products. It is also a win-win situation because when you promote the product and the customer purchases based on your recom

400 views special - Thanks everyone

 Hi everyone, I wish you all a very happy new year. I hope that everyone enjoyed the new year. I can't imagine that the blog has hit 400 views. I am so happy to have a lot of readers. Thank you very much for your support and thank you very much for reading my posts. Once again, wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year.  Thank you .