How to get courses from top universities for free ?
Hi everyone, Today we are going to see how you can get courses from top universities for free. So let's start. How are we going to get courses from top universities for free? We are going to use a website called Edx for getting courses from top universities for free. Edx is an online course provider created by Harvard and MIT which provides courses from top universities for free and also has paid courses. It also provides courses from top companies for free. This is brief information about Edx. We are going to get courses from top universities for free in just six steps. Step 1: Click here . This link will take you to the Edx website. This is how the website looks, Step 2: In step 2, we need to select the university where we want the free courses. If you just scroll down, you will see many no of universities. Just select a particular university where you want the free course, In my case, I am selecting IIT Bombay, and clicking on it. This is how the window looks like, Step 3...