Introduction to CSS

 Hi everyone ,This is Amodh and Today I will be telling you all about CSS and I will give you a brief explaination about it . So let's start

What is CSS ? 

CSS which stands for Cascading style sheets is a styling programming language which is used to style websites and web pages . Many of you know about html . It is the basic webpage or a website. The job of css is simple . It will style the webpage or the website and make it look beautiful and attractive . I will give you a very simple example . 

(Car's body)

This is HTML .

(Car Styled with paint , glass etc)

Here the car is styled with paint , glass , chromium etc. This is the styling or CSS .

In the next post , I will tell you all more about CSS . This is the end of the post of the guys . Thank you so much for reading . Please comment and share these posts .
Thank you


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